Faculty & Staff
Campaign FAQs
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Q. What is a Faculty and Staff Campaign?
A. The Faculty and Staff Campaign for the University of Central Oklahoma is an organized annual fundraising effort that allows you, the UCO employee, to make a gift to the area of your choice to the university. These gifts stay at UCO making a lasting impact on the area you choose to support.
Q. Can I specify where my contributions should go?
A. Absolutely! Your contribution can be designated to a variety of areas including scholarships, schools and colleges, departments, or programs, just to name a few. Your gift directly benefits the area you choose.
Q. What is payroll deduction?
A. Payroll deductions are a simple way to complete your gift to UCO over time through your paycheck. When you sign up for a payroll deduction your gift will be automatically deducted from your paycheck for the amount and timeframe you stipulate. Click here for the Payroll Deduction Form.
Q. Can I designate my gift to more than one area?
A. Sure! Clearly note how much you want to give to each area and your gift will be designated (in even dollar increments) as you have indicated.
Q. I can only give a modest amount. How can that possibly make a difference?
A. All gifts are important! What is important is that you give, not necessarily the amount. The faculty and staff campaign exemplifies the collective power of the university. With each person doing what he or she can, we all make a big difference.
Q. What if my spouse works for a matching gift company?
A. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. Please check with the company's Human Resources department to request your company's matching gift form. Then just complete the form and enclose it when returning your contribution to UCO. This is a wonderful way for you to be able to double or even triple the size of your gift.
Q. What are my payment options?
A. You may give by check, credit card (Visa or MasterCard), cash or payroll deductions. Additionally, you may elect to make a five-year pledge to the comprehensive campaign, and or a gift including Central in your estate plans.
Q. Will my gift to the United Way count toward the Faculty and Staff Campaign?
A. Unfortunately no, these are independent campaigns with different goals. The United Way is a worthy cause, primarily designed to benefit individuals and organizations outside the university. The Faculty and Staff campaign is designed with the goal of impacting the university and those closest to it.
Q. Is my gift tax deductible?
A. Yes! 100% of your gift is tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
Q. Where do the funds go?
A. All dollars raised at UCO are designated according to the donor's wishes.
Q. What is a Presidential Partner?
A. Since 1993, the University of Central Oklahoma has recognized its most generous annual donors by welcoming them into the Presidential Partner Program. These individuals, corporations, and foundations make an investment of $1,000 or more annually during the university fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) touching all areas of our university. (Special benefits apply please check the UCO Foundation website for details.)
Q. What if I am already a Presidential Partner?
A. Thank you! Your generous gift will count toward the annual Faculty and Staff Campaign.
Q. What is the UCO Comprehensive Campaign, and how does it relate to the Faculty and Staff Campaign?
A. The UCO Comprehensive Campaign is a multi-million dollar fundraising effort for the University of Central Oklahoma. The UCO Comprehensive Campaign will raise private funds for the support of Students, support of Teaching, support of Programs and support of Facilities, positively impacting every area here at Central. It is called a Comprehensive Campaign because it includes all annual contributions, as well as major gifts. By making a gift or pledge to the annual Faculty & Staff Campaign, you are automatically a contributor to the UCO Comprehensive Campaign.
Q. I'm interested in making a gift to the Faculty and Staff Campaign and a multi-year pledge to the UCO Comprehensive Capital Campaign. How do I do this?
A. Any gift to the Faculty and Staff Campaign is also counted in the UCO Comprehensive Campaign. If you would like to make a multi-year pledge (other than through your payroll deduction) there is a multi-year pledge form available (pdf). Please contact your Development Officer or the staff at the UCO Foundation at 405-974-2770 for assistance in completing this form.
Q. I just made a gift a few months ago. Why am I being asked for another contribution so soon?
A. UCO's Faculty and Staff Campaign is a year-round fundraising effort with a kick-off at the beginning of each fall semester. If you just made a gift, thank you! You may be receiving information about the faculty and staff campaign, but that doesn't mean that you have to make another gift right now. This campaign is designed to honor your giving choices, allowing you to determine when it is convenient for you to give and to what designation. If it is too soon for you to make another cash or credit card contribution, you might consider making a pledge now and with a fulfillment date later in the fiscal year. Or, if you prefer, you can make your gift later in the fiscal year.
Q. When will my gift be counted?
A. The Campaign's timeframe follows the university's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). If your gift was received before July 1, your gift was counted in the participation totals of the previous fiscal year. If you make your gift after July 1, your gift will be counted in that year's Faculty and Staff Campaign. As long as your contribution is received by June 30, you will be counted as a participant in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.
Q. Why does a state university need private support?
A. The University of Central Oklahoma is state-assisted rather than state-supported: 33% of Central's total budget is provided by state appropriations. State support is critically important, but it continues to decline as a percentage of the University's total operating budget, making private contributions increasingly important if UCO is to fulfill its mission of excellence in education.
Q. Why isn't each University fund listed?
A. The UCO Foundation houses well over 900 funds that benefit UCO, it is difficult to publish all of them or maintain a current list online because we add new funds continually. Most faculty and staff give to funds designed to benefit their college, department or the General Scholarship Endowment benefiting all UCO students. You can find out more about specific funds by contacting the Development Officer for your college or by contacting the UCO Foundation at 405-974-2770. You can also visit here to view a list of popular faculty and staff funds.
Q. Does every gift really make a difference?
A. Yes! In fact, if all full-time faculty and staff gave just $3 per month annually, the university would benefit from more than $40,000 in additional funds. Imagine the impact those dollars would have on our professional development, student programming and scholarships, classroom enhancements, and the university's overall ability to impact our world.
Q. Why should my division have a campaign ambassador attend one of our department meetings?
A. One of the Campaign Ambassadors, as well as your Development Director, will be available to speak about the campaign with you and your colleges personally. Departments that host an ambassador often see the greatest increase in participation and have a better awareness of the campaign.
Q. Who are the campaign ambassadors?
A. Campaign ambassadors are chosen for the passion they have for the university. Ambassadors are responsible for sharing campaign news with colleagues, answering questions, encouraging participation, and being a voice for their department. Ambassadors are nominated to serve in this vital role and make an annual gift personally to the campaign.
Q. Would someone from my department be allowed to turn in money from themselves to count for everyone in the department towards participation?
A. No, all gifts must come from individuals. Each submitted gift needs to have an individual's name associated with it, an amount and the fund designation.
Q. Does making a plan to include the UCO Foundation in my estate plans count?
A. Absolutely! Just fill out the planned giving form and we will count it as your contribution to the Faculty and Staff campaign for the fiscal year in which you complete the form. A planned gift establishes a legacy that will continue to make a difference in the lives of Central students for many years to come. Regardless of the planned giving avenue you choose, you can be assured that creating a financial plan for the future is a tax-effective way of giving that allows you to direct your estate funds to the area of your choice.
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